Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Belgium Gets Swift-Boated

Sam Fox, a businessman and big GOP donor, was made United States ambassador to Belgium today by Pres G. W. Bush, who used a recess appointment to circumvent Congress to secure Fox's position. His nomination had previously been withdrawn following Sen. John Kerry's objections to his contributions to Swift Boat Vets For Truth(iness).

We now have,
fittingly, a low-life back-door political appointee to the Low Counties; I'm sure the Republican Party's interests will be well served, but what about mine?.

See Bush Bypasses Senate


Anonymous said...

Recess appointments have been used by most presidents. It dates al the way back to pres. George Washington.

Bill Clinton himself appointed many , many people via recess appointments ( Including the ambassador to Luxembourg. (

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just pointing out it's politics as usual.

South Yuba Bill said...

Because politics are fluid, situational, and money-driven, a measure of an overtly political act is the repercussions that result. For a "compassionate conservative" looking to find a positive legacy, why does Bush seem to find confrontational approaches to governance? Picking more fights with the Congress seems like he's trying to prove a small point, just because he can't do now what he wants to do elsewhere.
And when I go to Belgium, what's this guy going to do for me?